
This We Owe to the Respectful Memory of Comrade Kim Il Sung

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DEAR Friends,
Twenty years on since the death of the Great Revolutionary Leader Comrade Kim IL Sung is a time of sadness and reflection. It is also a time of optimistic celebration.
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Despite the onslaught of propaganda from the West, particularly from the United States of America, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea survives and makes progress and remains committed to realising the peaceful reunification of Korea.

It would be churlish not to recognise that the development of the DPRK has not been negatively affected by the economic and political sanctions that have been meted out by the US to the noble citizens of the DPRK. Where would this country be today if it had been able to fully realise its potential without the burden imposed upon it by hostile forces from the West? It is indeed a miracle that the inspiration of Kim Il Sung still remains strongly imbedded in the minds of the people. Such inspiration allows the people to remain positive and to translate challenges into opportunities.

The US imposed war of propaganda and economic sanctions cannot be countered with slogans alone. At times like this Lenin's leadership of taking one step backwards to ensure two steps forward seems a most wise counsel.

As I travel the World I am appalled at the success of the US propaganda machine, aided and abetted by the capitalist news media corporations, in directing the thought processes of so many ordinary citizens. Whenever the DPRK or North Korea is mentioned many people conjure up in their minds an aggressive country, military based and who have no regard for their own people. The attitude is based on the propaganda that is constantly churned out in the West. When I hear this I challenge the people who unwittingly regurgitate this propaganda and then engage in a discourse outlining the historical circumstances and my observations after several visits to the country.I also refer them to reputable texts with objective historical facts and it is interesting how attitudes change.Logical discussion related to historical circumstances must be at the centre of changing attitudes.

Slogans will not change attitudes but factual discourse will. That is why the dialectic was seen as so important in developing revolutionary ideas and thinking. It is no less important in directing people to the truth of historical circumstances.

Despite the influence of US propaganda many people I meet are interested in the DPRK and do listen intently to other views that are different to what they have been bombarded with in the Western media.

Most Koreans in the south whom I have met are not antagonistic to the DPRK. They ,and particularly the young people, greatly desire a peaceful reunification of the country.They don't appear to take too much notice of their political leaders who are overly influenced by the US political and propaganda machine. A united Korea for them would be a wonderful expression of cultural unity. (I even met a former South Korean naval officer who had considerable respect for the late Comrade Kim Jong IL as a military strategist and a senior fighter pilot who had great regard for a peaceful reunification.) We must continue to talk-the-talk. We should never write people off by making untested assumptions about their inner feelings.

On a recent visit to the south a political figure presented me with a watch. He said,"This watch symbolises the unity of Korea which both you and I share in supporting." The watch was made in the DPRK in a joint venture- south design and marketing, north precision manufacture. A most tangible symbol of unity which I proudly wear and use as a talking point with many international travellers with whom I meet. (The political figure who gave this to me had spent some time in gaol fighting against the right-wing dictators in the south.)

My dear friends. As we pay our respects at this time for the Great Leader Comrade Kim IL Sung, in showing our respect to him, his legacy and the determination of the people of the DPRK to protect and nurture their motherland let us also consider how to move forward. It is vital that we identify the contradictions reflected in history, analyse the misuse of the propaganda machine by the US and its sycophants, determine the mechanism of ensuring the true history is portrayed and the contemporary circumstances are understood. We cannot win the propaganda war by using the traditional methods. We need to step back, reflect,plan and engage.

We need to get more ordinary citizens to see and engage with Korea and its people. We must be lateral in our thinking and challenge through logical thought and expression. We must encourage the involvement of DPRK institutions in the international organisations and make sure that people are apprised of the breaches of faith by the US such as the refusal to negotiate a Peace treaty as was required by the terms of the Armistice 60 years ago. People don't know this and they should as this is fundamental for a clear understanding of why things are as they are!

This we owe to the respectful memory of Comrade Kim Il Sung.

This we owe to the determination of the people of the DPRK.

This we owe to the propagation of truth and objective fact rather than accepting the unfettered abuse of propaganda the US pedals by lies and deceit.

We must never deviate from our resolve that Korea is One and all energy must be devoted to a social climate that will bring about the peaceful reunification of Korea and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country.

Great Leader Kim Il Sung would expect nothing less! ***

Emeritus Mayor Peter Woods OAM, Co-Chairman

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