
DPRK is on the Way of Peace, Progress, People's Democracy and Independence

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DEAR Comrades and my beloved world followers of Songun and Juche.

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First of all take my greetings and congratulations to all of you who organize the important international e-conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the demise of the great beloved leader generalissimo Comrade Kim Il Sung. We should be united so much rapidly to make world forum for solidarity with DPRK and by this glorious initiative of Indonesia-DPRK Friendship Association, we will be exchanging our views and experiences with each orther.

My gratitude to the honorable organization paying my heartifelt respect and love is for memorizing the great leader Kim Il Sung in his demise of 20th anniversary. All corner of the world may be respected and participated the event. In the era Songun politics we should be talked and discussed globally against imperialism.

Imperialist allies and its' puppet regimes provocateur regular military exercises in Korean peninsular and trying to make war against DPRK. From the beginning great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung formulated 5-point policy of WPK for reunification of Korea independently that’s clearly out laying the consensus of Korean nation without any interferences from other, really it is a desire of whole Korean peninsula but we regret to see a formula of merger into south Korea in name of reunification.

The undemocratic, anti peoples and anti freedom formula of imperialist ally hated all over the world. DPRK now a popular country by adopting Songun policy and making own self a great thriving and dignified country as sovereign DPRK has right to defense own self and by Songun and Songun policy it became a power of peoples, power of Juche oriented socialism, and great power of defense.

Never in history and DPRK military didn't use its' arms against others. Its' power is for only independence of Korea. The truth proves DPRK is peace loving people-centered country, all of global charters of human rights, even United Nations regular charters not defy but internationally USA backing motions of UN make blockade the people of Korea.

It is not for state but for people.

We can memorize great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung uniting the broad masses of all sections opposed to the Japanese imperialists around the anti-Japanese national united front front for restoration of fatherland was vital to the success of the armed struggle. On May 5, 1936, the great leader announced the foundation of the association for the restoration of the fatherland in Donggang. He was elected Chairman of the ARF.

The ten-point programme of the ARF called for over throw of Japanese colonial rule, the establishment of a ­ genuine people's revolutionary government; the formation, of a revolutionary army to fight for national independence; and the enactment of democratic measures such as nationalization of industries, agrarian reform, introducing of an eight hour working day, guarantee for the equity of the sexes, and free compulsory education.

Till the time DPRK is on the way of peace, progress, people's democracy and independence and now the era of Songun politics to save independences of the countries for global independence. Country to country the learning of Songun politics rise the people’s solidarity against imperialism.

We the Bangladesh Songun followers of 10 000 making campaign and signed for peacefully reunification of Korea independently and organized global Songun study countries like Nepal, Singapore, Egypt, Russia, China, Sri Lanka, Iran,Cuba, Malaysia and DPRK.

We published a daily newspaper “The Daily Fork”, the daily also maintain a forum for global Songun study and we established a jarnia fukara [univ for fork], it has center for international Songun study. With our activities and dedication for the cause of global independence we like to propose to all of you the world followers of Songun politics to be united under banner of global Songun study.

to make effective solidarity with DPRK
to strengthen the global independence movement
to exchange our Songun-Juche experience each other
to involve popular masses for learning Songun-Juche politics
to continue global Songun-Juche study country to country
to establish international center for study of Songun policy

With this appeal and again my deepest heartfelt thanks to the organizer and for the ever a remembrance of great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung in my mind alive. ***

Mr. Jahangir Khan
Chairman, Bangladesh Group for Study of Songun Policy

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