
Korea will Remain Forever inside Cambodian People's Mind

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20 years have passed since the death of President Kim Il Sung, the Great Leader of fraternal Korean people. However, his image as a great man of the century remain in memory of the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

By applying the Juche Idea, in the revolutionary practice, he founded a people's democratic state and build the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as a powerful country, independent, self-sufficient and self-reliant.

He ensured that his country extended firm international solidarity to all the countries aspiring after independence and offered material and spiritual assistance to non-aligned and other developing countries in their revolution and construction.

President Kim Il Sung formed a special fraternal friendship with the Great King Norodom Sihanouk for decades and fully supported the Great King and Cambodian People in the cause of construction of a new society regarding as his own work.

The exploits he achieved in development of historical and traditional relationship between two countries, Cambodia and Korea will remain forever inside Cambodian People's mind.

Pay highest respect to President Kim Il Sung in honor of 20th year of his demise. ***

Yos Son
Chairman of the Cambodian-Korean Friendship Association

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