
Believing in the People as in Heaven

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FROM the ancient times they have called every most sacred and greatest one as the Sun. The Sun illuminates the universe with its brightness and gives life to everything on the Earth. They praised and described the greatest men of the history as the Sun. Now that great man is just Comrade Kim Il Sung in contemporary era.

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In 1883, Pridrih Engels said in the funeral ceremony of Karl Marxs, the great friend of him:

“...Today the humankind stepped one way backward.”

With this sentence he expressed his deepest sorrowfulness and at the same time he emphasized the greatness of Karl Marx as a scholar and an ideologist.

Every words seemed correct but actually this sentence with vivid expression had made a big mistake. Stepping backward of humankind might be made by the demise of a great man. But it is correct only when a certain condition can be made. That is only when his idea is disappeared along with his demise.

In the contrary to this, a great idea gives eternity to its founders. And also only when that idea is cherished in the minds of humankind and carried out in the practical activities to reform the surrounding world, men can step one way forward.

The vivid model as a founder of new theory, organizer, a leader of the revolutionary struggle and founder of the state, party and army is just Comrade Kim Il Sung who is the leader of the people, forefather of the Socialist Korea, an outstanding thinker and ideologist, who clarified the revolutionary scientific theories and the great master of Communist, workers’ and national liberation movement of the world.

July 8 is the sorrowful day of his sudden demise. This day becomes the most tearful day not only for the Korean people who have lost the father who restored the motherland and sovereignty, but also for the world progressive people who have lost the leader who have illuminated the way of the struggle under the banner of self-reliance.

The humankind was able to step one way forward thanks to him who created the Juche Idea and implemented it into practice, and nobody will stop the way of the humankind back who is advancing forward along with this victorious banner.

While in respectfully remembering Comrade Kim Il Sung as the days closing by July 8, the communists and the world progressive society are fully proud of brilliant life of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.

From his early ages of youthhood, he embarked on the wide way of revolutionary struggle.

He grew up while accumulating the experiences of former comrades and advancing towards the great aim of emancipating the Korean nation from century long subordination by in and out oppressors.

In April, 1932 Comrade Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army and waged anti-Japanese war, and concluded this war with complete victory on August 15, 1945. After the liberation, he founded the Workers’ Party of Korea, the headquarters of the Korean Revolution, on October 10, 1945 even under the severe circumstances.

On September 9, 1948 he declared the foundation of the DPRK, the true state of the people and the impregnable Socialist fortress.

Peoples in the period of Soviet Union were specially proud of sharing the time together with Korean people and of giving every possible helps to them including military aid in the most severe days.

Soviet Union led by E. V. Stalin was the first country that officially recognized DPRK, the young socialist state.

The US pretending itself as international military police, left no stones unturned to choke this young country to death.

In the 3-year long (1950~1953) war provoked by the U.S., the Korean People defeated the imperialist aggressors and won victory under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung, thus safeguarding the national sovereignty and dignity.

“Believing in the people as in heaven.”

This was the motto of him throughout his whole life. Korean-style Socialism serves only for the interests of the popular masses. Juche Idea created by him states that popular masses are the master of everything and everything serves them.

In Korean style socialism, the whole people is united behind the leader and whole society becomes one harmonious family on the basis of unique ideology. In Korean-style Socialism, all the people are firmly rallied around the leader with single-hearted unity.

In the capitalist society, it reveres individualism and wealth, but the superiority of Korean style socialism is based on collectivism, single hearted unity and spirit of mutual cooperation giving priority to the interest of the collectives.

Korean people defended the socialism paying great deal of sacrifices, and they deeply convinced that socialism is the justest society in the world.

The Soviet Union people remember more and more sadly the terrible tragedy of deliberate and systemic collapse of Soviet Union by the vile betrayers, Gorbarchov and Yeltin.

The future historians should clarify how many persons’ lives taken away, how much the destinies of the peoples destroyed and how many babies were not born by so called “Reform”. Few knows that Comrade Kim Il Sung, who saw through the cunning tricks of the United States and their pawns in the end of 1980s, visited Soviet Union in order to warn Gorbarchov of the deserved outcome of his policy.

Soon after the socialist camp was collapsed and communist and workers’ movement was frustrated and Soviet Union was ended up, communist parties and workers’ parties gathered in Pyongyang and discussed and set forth the new strategy for the struggle of defending the great and immortal idea in the period of hardest time.

This fact was the first proof of the intelligence embodied by the Comrade Kim Il Sung. The DPR of Korea is powerfully advancing forward on the path pointed by the Comrade Kim Il Sung overcoming the isolation and hostile acts of imperialists.

All of the revolutionaries are pouring out the “sacred water”of which is being fostered the firmness and encouraged the struggle from Lake Chon of Mt. Paedu and from the revolutionary history and ardent revolutionary spirits of Comrade Kim Il Sung, Comrade Kim Jong Il and Comrade Kim Jong Suk who devoted their whole lives to building today’s prosperous country.

Comrade Kim Il Sung was not only the outstanding thinker and theoretician, but also the overcautious benevolent leader who didn’t ignore even one person’s worry and trouble.

He loved the people boundlessly and people felt his fatherly love with their whole bodies.

“Believe in the people and rely on them at all times and you shall always emerge victorious: if you are forsaken by them, you will always fail.”-it was the lofty motto of the Comrade Kim Il Sung throughout his whole life.

Even normal people called him simply as “Leader or father”instead of official title in his lifetime. After passing away of the Comrade Kim Il Sung, he was highly revered as eternal President of the DPR Korea.

The exploits of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, eternal President of the DPR Korea, Generalissimo of the DPR Korea and father of the people will remain forever.

The exploits of Comrade Kim Il Sung are definitely inherited by the intelligent, diligent and brave Korean people under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea led by Comrade Kim Jong Il, who was the outstanding successor to him.

We, friends of Korea in Russia, are revering the will of Korean people with satisfaction and pleasure who are loyally upholding Dearest Comrade Kim Jong Un, who is reliably defending the banner of great Juche Idea and Songun Idea. ***

A. V. Voronzov
First Vice Chairman, Russian Association for the Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with DPRK (RAFCC)

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