
Remembering an Outstanding Kim Il Sung

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PRESIDENT Kim Il Sung, the founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, was an outstanding 20th century revolutionary leader. On July 8, 2014 it will be 20 years since his demise.

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The 20th century was a turbulent period in the history of the Korean nation, as indeed for the whole world. But out of the chaos of colonialist and imperialist wars of aggression grew the people's war for national and social liberation and the founding and construction of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the first ever Korean state by and for the working masses of the people, and the only sovereign state on the Korean peninsula. This great achievements of the Korean people was made possible through the outstanding ideological, political and organizational capacity of the great leader President Kim Il Sung.

Born on 15 April 1912, Kim Il Sung already in his early teens started organising resistance against imperialism and later took up armed struggle against the Japanese colonialists. During that period he developed the Juche idea, the ideological foundation of national independence and people's power. After the liberation of Korea in 1945, the partisans he led formed the core of the new state, organising the masses of the people to take their responsibility as masters of their own destiny.

In less than a month after Japan's unconditional surrender, when the Korean people had already started forming organs of people's power, the U.S. imperialists landed troops south of the 38th parallel, proclaimed their occupation of south Korea and by force dissolved the people's committees. Kim Il Sung at that time made great efforts to build a broad-based political unity for a united Korea and prevent a permanent division of the country.

When, in spite of hard efforts from people of different convictions in the north and in the south, it became clear that the U.S. imperialists were firmly determined to prevent Korean national unity and independence, instead bestowing international legitimacy and recognition to the fascist puppet clique in the south, Kim Il Sung after nation-wide elections proclaimed the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

U.S. intrigues and continued clamorous verbiage and military provocations from the south side eventually led to war. Originally a Korean civil war which would soon have ended in victory for the people and national independence, had it not been for a massive intervention of imperialist forces under U.S. command in an effort to crush the young People's Republic and occupy the entire Korean peninsula.

The Korean people, however, under the eminent leadership of President Kim Il Sung and with fraternal Chinese assistance, heroically fought back and defeated the U.S. imperialist led coalition, generally considered by then as the most powerful military force ever. The U.S. imperialists finally had to accept an armistice agreement, committing to disarmament and withdrawal of all foreign forces from Korea and negotiations about a peace treaty - commitments which they never fulfilled and a defeat which they have never forgotten or forgiven.

After the devastating war, President Kim Il Sung successfully lead the huge task of reconstruction, the Chollima movement and the three revolutions - ideological, technological and cultural - to place the national economy firmly on a Juche basis, achieve the complete victory of socialism in the northern half of Korea by strengthening the people's power, and to reunify the country on the principle of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity.

In the international labour and communist movement he was highly respected as a defender of unity and revolutionary principles against hegemonism and all forms of opportunism. As a statesman he forged ties of friendship and cooperation with countries around the globe, particularly with the newly independent countries, the non-aligned movement and the national liberation movements.

Thanks to the foreseeing guidance and great efforts of President Kim Il Sung, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea became a bulwark of socialism, equipped with the Songun policy and standing firmly for the socialist ideals and principles when other states changed their course or crumbled. After the demise of the President 20 years ago, under the leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea withstood extreme difficulties, upheld the socialist ideals and defended the people's power. Today, under the banner of the President, First Secretary Kim Jong Un is opening the gates to a great and prosperous country, thus realising the ideals of President Kim Il Sung.

As friends of Korea, we hold in high esteem the memory of President Kim Il Sung. His achievements will always inspire new generations to build a world of independence, justice and prosperity for all mankind. ***

Christer Lundgren
Chairman of the Swedish-Korean Friendship Association

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