A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to the question put by KCNA on Tuesday in connection with the fact that the U.S. is mulling officially bringing the DPRK "human rights issue" up for discussion at the UN Security Council:
The U.S. is scheming once again to abuse the UNSC for implementing its hostile policy towards the DPRK.
On Dec. 5 the U.S. and some forces of the UNSC toeing its line sent the president of the Security Council a joint letter calling for officially referring the DPRK "human rights issue" to the Security Council.
Why the U.S. is making so haste to refer the above-said "human rights issue" to the Security Council though the illegal anti-DPRK "human rights resolution" which it cooked up by setting its followers in motion has not gone through the necessary procedures at the UN General Assembly?
The U.S. is leaving no stone unturned to make the "resolution" an established fact, afraid that this political fraud may face ever bitterer rebuff and condemnation from the world people.
This is one more impudent reckless action which can be taken only by the gangster-like U.S. abusing the UN for its purpose of aggression through high-handed and arbitrary practices and swindle.
The U.S. is persistently working to refer non-existent DPRK "human rights issue" to the Security Council although there is the UN Human Rights Council, the organization specializing in human rights issues. This is prompted by its ulterior intention to invent a pretext for military invasion of the DPRK under the pretext of its "human rights issue".
The DPRK had already held in its address at the UN General Assembly this year that the Security Council should not offer a forum for applying the worst double standards and telling a whole string of lies any longer.
In July last when the DPRK Government formally filed in the Security Council the issue of putting an end to the U.S.-south Korea joint military drills posing a direct threat to international peace and security, the Security Council sidestepped it.
If the Security Council deliberately brings the above-said "human rights issue" irrelevant to security up for discussion under the pressure of the U.S. and its allies, it will be the most striking manifestation of the double standards.
An attempt to discuss the above-said issue at the UN Security Council on the basis of the "report submitted by the Commission of Inquiry (CI)" on the human rights situation in the DPRK which is full of prejudice and lies, a report which was not verified, will turn the council into a forum for discussing the fraudulent document.
A dangerous precedent in which a pretext was invented for igniting a war of aggression on the basis of the false statement made by the U.S. Secretary of State that " Iraq has WMDs" at the UNSC 11 years ago is now repeating itself.
If the UNSC wants to discuss the human rights issue, it should not read the "report" deliberately forged by the CI without witnessing the DPRK's reality with its own eyes but call into question the human rights abuses rampant in the U.S.
Why the UNSC is turning its face from the inhuman torture practiced by the CIA over which the UN Anti-Torture Committee expressed particular concern and which is dealt with in the 6, 000 page-long report presented by the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate, and such despicable human rights abuses as white American policemen's brutalities of shooting and strangling black men to death.
If the UNSC handles the "human rights issue" in the DPRK while shutting its eyes to the serious human rights issue in the U.S., one of its permanent members, while failing to settle the pending and urgent issues directly linked with the world peace and security, it will prove itself its miserable position that it has turned into a tool for U.S. arbitrary practices just as everybody can hear everywhere.
The hostile action taken by the U.S. and its followers against the DPRK abusing the UNSC will certainly bring serious consequences and the provocateurs will be held wholly accountable as they have gone reckless. KawanKorea
U.S. Slammed for Its Move to Refer DPRK 'Human Rights Issue' to UNSC