First of all, I am glad that the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for Korea's Reunification and the Indonesia-Korea Friendship and Cultural Exchange Association hold E-seminar titled "Korea and Its Glorious History of Development For the Last 70 Years" on the occasion of the 106th birth anniversary of Great President Kim Il Sung and provide me with the opportunity to praise the immortal exploits performed by the Great Person of Mt. Paektu of Korea.
I also would like to extend my deep thanks to our dear friend, Mr. Teguh Santosa who is in charge of this seminar personally and is making his efforts for its success.
My ardent congratulations and friendly greetings also go to the heroic Korean people who meet the 70th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Today the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is being cherished in deep minds of the world progressive people as the Juche-orientated socialist country dignified with independence, self-reliance and self-defence and the Korean people as the people with strong independence.
I am going to mention about the great exploits of His Excellency Kim Jong Il among the immortal exploits of Great Persons of Mt. Paektu which luster on the road of development of 70 years of the DPRK.
His Excellency Kim Jong Il is the great leader of the socialist Korea who consolidated and developed the DPRK, with his extraordinary ideo-theoretical wisdom and bright leadership, as the country of single-hearted unity and the politico-ideological power where all the Korean people rallied behind the Workers' Party of Korea with a socialist ideology.
He is a convinced believer in the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung, founder of socialist Korea, the idea that the masses of the people with an independent ideological consciousness play a decisive role in the revolution and construction and that therefore nothing is impossible in the world when they are awakened and aroused indeologically.
The chronicles of the DPRK that have recorded successive victories in the course of braving all odeals of history can be said to be practical application of his theory on importance of ideology.
In the closing years of the previous century socialism collapsed and capitalism was revived in some countries, a good pretext for the spokesmen for imperialism to boisterously advocate a theory on the "end of socialism." At this juncture Kim Jong Il made public such works as Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable, Socialism Is a Science, and Giving Pripority to Ideological Work Is Essential for Accomplishing Socialism.
In the works he gave sharp analyses of situations in those once socialist countries involved in making ruling parties "de-ideologized" and armies "de-politicized", and proved the truth of history that the cause of socialism will emerge victorious only when paramount importance is given to ideology and that it will fail when underrating the importance. Therefore, he stressed, the weapon of ideology must be held fast to in the reconstruction movement of socialism.
When the Korean people were in the greatest agony due to the sudden demise of President Kim Il Sung in July, 1994, Kim Jong Il aroused all the people to greater efforts for implementation of the President' cause.
In dealing with the extreme anti-socialist offensives of the imperialist forces, Kim Jong Il put forward the army as the pillar and the main driving force in carrying out socialst cause, holding the banner of Songun ever higher. In this regard he paid great preferential attention to preparing the Korean Peope's Army men into the ones of strong ideology and faith.
Even when the acute natural calamities and difficulties of economy were sweeping all over the country, he was convinced that the might of ideology and spirit plays a decisive role, and led the people to give the fullest play to their indomitable will, revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude, and optimism about the future.
As he held fast the ideology and victoriously led the revolution and construction with the might of ideology, not only the series of miraculouse events advancing into the world with the break-through of ultra-modern cutting-edge happened but also the DPRK startled the world by lauching the artificial satellites "Kwangmyongsong 1,2 and 3."
Thanks to his politics of love and trust, a harmonious society in which its members live while helping and leading one another forward has already been existed for a long time and the high level political stability has been maintained. The single-minded unity of leader, Party and boad masses is the true appearance that can be seen in only the DPRK and the capitalism can never immitate or fabricate.
His Excellency Kim Jong Il is the great defender of socialist Korea who strengthened and developed the DPRK with the might of Songun as the ever-victorious military power and the invincible bulwark of socialism.
In the late 20th century when was the most trying period for the Korean people, the imperialists regarded the DPRK's collapse as a fait accompli.
At the juncture where the Korean people were at the crossroad whether they would become slaves of imperialism or safegurad the dignity as an independent people, Kim Jong Il solemnly declared to the world his unshakable will to accomplish the socialist cause pioneered by President Kim Il Sung.
He made sure that the socialist principle was held fast to in all fields of the Party and state activities.
When Korea's economy and its people faced great difficulties, he, however, made sure that priority was given to the strengthening of the national defence power because he was of the opinion that only strong military power can make it possible to defend the national sovereignty and dignity and socialism and to fully ensure the economic construction and the people's livelihood.
Under his Songun-based leadership, the Korean People's Army has developed into an invincible army that can defeat any aggressors however formidable they may be. The strong war deterrent possessed by the DPRK has reinforced its profile as an impregnable fortress. The military threats and challenges of the allied imperialist forces could cut no ice with the Korean people. The harshest trials faced by the Korean people served as a good opportunity to demonstrate to the world their dignity and prestige as an independent powerful nation, far from bringing socialist Korea to its knees.
Songun Kim Jong Il found as the main link was not merely geared to national defence. To promote the socialist cause as whole with the Korean People's Army as the pillar and driving force of the country-this was what he aimed at in administering Sogun politics.
Under his Songun politics the Korea People's Army made breakthrough in the socialist economic construction by distinguishing itself in the construction of large-scale hydropower stations, waterways and modern factories and the realignment of land. The Korean People's Army soldiers' noble and tenacious spirit and way of struggle spread rapidly throughout the society, thus bringing about a great turn in all sectors of the socialist construction.
Indeed, with Kim Jong Il's Songun based revolutionary leadership, the DPRK is shining itself to the world as the invincible socialist fortress and the people-centered socialist paradise.
His Excellency Kim Jong Il is a peerless politician who dedicated all to the accomplishment of the cause of global independence by putting the DPRK onto the Juche-oriented socialist power.
On February 19, 1974, leader Kim Jong Il proclaimed the programme of the modelling the whole society on the Juceh idea. It marked an event of great significance in promoting not only the cause of socialism in the DPRK but the cause of global independence.
He prepared a powerful ideological and theoretical weapon for realizing the cause of global independence by developing in depth the Juche idea authored by President Kim Il Sung.
The crowning ideological and theorectical achivement he made for accomplishing the cause of global independence is that he advanced an idea on establishing the international relations that are based on independence, the core of the Juche idea, the idea of building a new, independent world.
A new, independent world, he explained, is a world that is free from domination, intervention and pressure and in which all the countries and nations exercise complete sovereignty as the masters of their own destiny. In other words, it is a world in which the democratic international order that fully ensures equality, mutual respect and exercise of sovereignty of each nation on a worldwide scale is established and observed.
Kim Jong Il energetically led all the countries, nations and peoples of the world that champion for independence to unite firmly and wage a joint struggle against the interference and aggressive moves of the imperialists and dominations.
The driving force in accomplishing the cause of global independence is all the forces of independence opposing imperialism, including the socialist movement, national-liberation movement, the Non-Aligned Movement and peace movements. If the peoples of all the countries across the world that constitute the anti-imperialist independence forces struggle in firm unity, the imperialist moves of domination and interference can work nowhere and, accordingly, the cause of global independence will be realized.
It is an important strategy he put forward to build a new, independent world to achieve the unity of all anti-imperialist forces under the banner of independence and fight against imperialism and dominationism.
Conspicuous among his achievements in having advanced victoriously the cause of global independence is that he had decisively frustrated the imperialists' stifling offensive against the DPRK and staunchly defended its socialism by dint of his unique Sogun politics.
Indeed, the memory of His Excellency Kim Jong Il is always in the hearts of the Korean people and the world progressives as he piled up huge exploits before the socialist Korea and the cause of global independence.
Today, the Korean people enjoy their great national pride and dignity for having His Excellency Kim Jong Un, another Great Person of Mt. Paektu who is faithfully succeeding the revlutionary cause of Juche that was pioneered by President Kim Il Sung and led by His Excellency Kim Jong Il as their leader. This is also a great fortune to the world progressive people.
In my capacity of joint secretary of the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for Korea's Reunification and secretary general of Karachi, Pakistan-Korea Friendship Assoiation, I express my firm determination to disseminate distinguished person's image of His Excellency Kim Jong Un and his greatness in a worldwide scale and conduct more vigorously the solidairty activities to extend support to the righteous cause of the Korean people in their struggle to build up the socialist thriving nation and to achieve the national reunification under the wise leadership of His Excellency Kim Jong Un. [kk]
Mr. Javed Ansari
Co Secretary General, APRC
Secretary General, Pakistan Korea Friendship Association
Sub Keynote Speech: Praising the Imnortal Exploits of Great Persons of Mt. Paektu on the Occassion of the 106th Birth Anniversary of President Kim Il Sung