Korea Ever-Victorious With Independence
W.A. Duminduwardane, General Secretary SLPKFA Sri Lanka

INDEPENDENCE is the first fundamental characteristic of people-centred politics. Independence is basic attribute of man, a social being, apart from independent politics, it is impossible to satisfy the demand of the masses of the people for independence in politics.
Socialist politics should by nature, be independence based politics. An independent guiding idea and the strong internal force capable of accelerating the revolution, contribution and construction by its own efforts are prerequisite for the execution of independent based politics.
So people centred politics, as practiced in socialist Korea, is truly independent politics. Korea is the motherland of the Juche Idea, a country where all the people are solidly united behind the WPK and the its leader.
The People centred politics of Korea can be said to be a revolutionary and powerful independence based politics and enables its government to work out all its lives and policies in the interest of the country and nation, and carry them out by its own efforts to the letter, undaunted by any pressure or threat from outside forces.
Democracy is the one of the essential characteristics of people centred politics. Democracy is a yardstick of the progressive character of the government and the basic mode of politics to realize independence of masses. People centred politics is Democratic politics geared to holding up masses as the masters of the government and formulating and implementing state policies by reflecting their will and demands.
In Socialist Korea all the working people are leading an independent and creative life helping and leading one another forward, all with equal rights and freedom as members of society.
Democracy is the basic mode of people centred politics. Korean leaders always were among the people, mingling and discussing state affairs with them. Each day of their leadership marks their endless field guidance.
The People centred politics, human ideology of Democratic policies is being embodied brilliantly, and the reality of Socialist Korea is testifying to the truth and democracy are inseparable.
In Korea unity constitutes one of the essential characteristics of people centred politics. It is said that the masses is the source of the durability and might of the government and a sure guarantee for realizing independence for the masses.
The revolutionary struggle of the masses of the people to depend and realize independence is assured of its victorious progress only by unity. For this reason,unity is one of the political ideas advocated by the people.
The unity advocated by people centred politics is what brings all members of society from all walks of life in to a whole, the like of which is never found elsewhere in terms of depth and width.
Socialist Korea unites not only those with Sociology ideology but also all those who cherish love for their country, People and nation. The politics of unity is successfully practiced in Socialist Korea which is guided by the Juche Idea.
The WPK has only one ideology and centre of leadership. The Juche Idea is the sole guiding ideology of the WPK which has achieved solid organizational and ideological unity around the leader. When leader is great, the party becomes great. When the party is great, the cause of independence of the masses advances victoriously. This truth has been proved by the reality of Korea.
The people’s government of Korea has been built and managed by the Korean people themselves in keeping with their desire and will, and guided by the Juche Idea. If a government is to be a genuine government that serves the people, it should be an independent government from its inception.
The people’s government of Korea is an independent government in that, above all, it is what has been chosen and built by the Korean people themselves according to their desire and aspiration. So they built new type of independent country.
This people’s government is a highly stable and viable socialist government, which is accomplishing the cause of socialism and communism. It is genuine socialist power centred on the popular masses and guided by the Juche Idea.
Juche Idea is the root of Songun politics. Juche Idea is an Idea that advocates complete independence, and independence is the basic principle of revolution running through the Juche Idea, proceeding from the Juche Idea, whose core is independence, Songun politics gives priority to military affairs in the revolutionary struggle for achieving independence.
Juche Idea clarifies that independence is the life blood of the country, the nation and the people. Independence is an attribute of a social man who is desirous of living independently as the master of the world and of his own destiny.
Independence is the life blood and essence of the country and nation. The country and nation are solid unit of the people’s social life. Independence is the main factor in the existence and development of a country and nation as a sovereign state and independent nation. Only an independent country can be called a sovereign state and achieve independent development of a country and nation as a sovereign state and independent nation. Only an independent country can be called a sovereign state and achieve independent development and prosperity. In this sense, independence can be called the life blood of the country and nation.
Independence is not only the life blood of the country and nation but also the life blood of the masses. By origin masses are a collective of the people united in the basis of the community of their demand for independence and creative activities, and independence is an essential attribute for them. It is their mode of existence, their mode of action, to cherish the aspiration and demand for independence and to realize them through their creative activities. This is an essential feature of the masses.
The Juche Idea clarifies that victory is the masses revolutionary struggle for independence can be achieve only when the motive force of the revolution is strengthened and its role enhanced. Various factors influence the revolutionary movements progress to victory which is a movement of the masses themselves to realize their independence.
Great Leaders of Korea laid down the principles of Juche in ideology, independence in politics, self sufficiency in the economy, and self reliance in defense as the principles of realizing independence. The principles of Juche, independence, self sufficiency and self reliant defence are the guiding principles of realizing independence in the spheres of ideology, politics, the economy and defence.
Politics is of decisive significance in social life. Without independence in politics it would be impossible to talk about independence at all. Maintaining independence in politics means upholding national independence and sovereignty of one’s people, depending their interests and conducting politics by relying on them.
The political independence is the first criterion and the life and soul of an independent sovereign state. Only when a nation maintains political independence, will it be able to ensure independence and freedom and be happy and prosperous. The revolution is a struggle to win political independence before anything else.
Developing foreign relations is an important undertaking for the government of the republic to expedite socialist construction and national reunification, strengthen the relations of friendship and cooperation with other countries and realize global independence. The government of republic should develop foreign relations so as to unite with the revolutionary people all over the world who uphold the independence. Thus it will make an active contribution to the effort for global independence. Independence, peace and friendship are the basic ideals of the foreign policy of the government of the republic and the principles on which its external activities are based. The government of the republic should establish and develop state political, economic and cultural relations with all the countries which are friendly to the country on the principle of complete equality, independence and mutual benefit.
Under the party’s slogan “let the people the world over who uphold independence unite” the government of the republic should channel every effort in to strengthening in every possible way unity and solidarity with the people all over the world who aspire to independence.
Korean people are upholding Kim Il Sung as their eternal leader, who laid down a lasting foundation for an independent powerful country and brought about the well-being of modern Korea.
Kim Jong Un , Supreme Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea calling the whole nation to make concerted efforts to open up a broad Avenue to the independent reunification of the country, the core of which is national independence, great national unity, peace and federal style reunification.
The international community hopes that the Korean nation will bring about a new turning point in achieving the reunification of their country.