A Reason to Celebrate with More Enthusiasm the Great Achievement of the People of the DPRK
Neil Jürgen Fitzgerald, National President Australia-DPRK Friendship & Cultural Society

Respected Comrade Kim Jong-un
Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army.
Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un
Dear Members of the Korean Workers' Party,I truly hope this communication finds you, your family and friends safe and well.
I am sure none of us could have ever imagined the world we are currently living in and thechallenges we continue to face on a daily basis.
In a social-media-centic society like ours, we are continuously being inundated with news,fake news and questionable comments on the handling of this Coronavirus pandemic, andyet we hear very little about those countries who have acted swiftly and decisively to limitthe spread and infection.
It is perhaps then another reason to celebrate with more enthusiasm the great achievement of the people of the DPRK as they - and we - join together for the 75thanniversary of the foundation of the Korean Workers' Party.
Under the direction of ChairmanKim Jong-un and the dedication and commitment of theKorean Workers' Party, the DPRK has shown to the world that implementing the corevalues of Juche - that “man is the master of his destiny”, anything can, and will beachieved when people come together with purpose.
This has not gone unnoticed and the achievements of the Korean Workers' Party haveeven be praised by many western countries and the United Nations due to their swift anddecisive action.
There is no doubt that this pandemic has tested and affected all countries of our world andthe shining example of the DPRK is even more reason to celebrate on this auspicious occasion.
The Korean Workers' Party have endured 75 years of struggle against hostile foreignpowers whilst maintaining a government duty bound to serve the people of the DPRK –and this it has done with incredible success, dignity and respect.
It has stood eye to eye with the enemy across an unwanted and foreign imposed artificialborder, it has borne the brunt of hypocritical governments in the wake of successful rockettesting and despite illegal and un-humanitarian sanctions, has not only survived - butprospered. The Korean Workers' Party under the leadership of Dear Respected ComradeKim Jong-un is to be held up as a model for all progressive socialist peoples of the world.
On this, most felicitous occasion, I extend to MarshalKim Jong-un, members of theKorean Workers' Party and the people of the DPRK my sincerest congratulations and bestwishes on 75 years of great vision, leadership and achievement.
The very best of continued good health and prosperity!
With Warmest Socialist Greetings,
(Rev'd) Neil Jürgen Fitzgerald
National President
Australia-DPRK Friendship & Cultural Society