朝鮮の統一と自主権擁護、朝鮮半島における平和と安全保障のための 共和国政府の原則的立場と平和愛好政策について
Ie Masaji, Representative member of People’s Assembly for Japan-DPRK Friendship in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

家 正治
On the principle and peace-loving policy of the DPRK for national reunification of Korea and safeguarding its sovereignty, ensuring peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
A state is a main component of the international society and a uniform power body does not exist other than the state. However, same as every state has its own internal law, the international law exists in the international community as the international disciplines.
Unlike the traditional international law which had existed before, the main characteristics of present modern international law are stated, with 7 main principles, in the "Declaration of Friendship", which was adopted at the UN Assembly in 1970.
The principles are as follows: firstly, to ban the threat by the armed forces and its exercise, secondly, to solve the international conflict with peaceful means, thirdly, non-interference in internal jurisdiction, fourthly, obligation of mutual collaboration, fifthly, equal rights of the people and principle of national self-determination, sixthly, principle of sovereign equality. What we should give consideration to is the seventh of which stipulates one side's sincere implementation to what it had already committed to.
What's noteworthy is that the "Declaration of Friendship" states that the principles stipulated on its charters are formulating the main principles of the international law, and these principles serve as not merely political ones but the legal, either.
What is important is that if the U.S. and other big powers had sincerely abided by these principles, the world would have realized and maintained its cause of independence. On the contrary, such principles are failed to be abided by the big powers, but "domination by law" is shifted with the "domination by strength" on the international society.
Let me see the external policy of the DPRK in comparison to above mentioned phenomenon in international community.
In "Socialist Constitution of the DPRK", Clause 1 of Article 17 clearly stipulates its external policy with independence, peace and friendship as its main principles.
And Clause 2 of Article 17 stipulates that the DPRK establishes national, political, economic and cultural relations with all the friendly countries on the basis of principles of outright equality, independence, mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs and mutual benefits.
The Clause 3 of Article 12 is the main reason why the international society gives a wide publicity to the DPRK. It is to unite with the entire world people defending independence, to stand firmly against all kinds of aggression and interference in internal affairs, and to render active support and solidarity to the struggle of the people of various countries to achieve its sovereignty and national liberation.
President Kim Il Sung said that the issue of national reunification of Korea, in essence, is to retake the territory and people deprived by foreign imperialists and to thoroughly realize the national sovereignty on a nationwide basis. And he continued that the issue of our country's reunification is, in name and in reality, a national internal issue pertained to self-determination of the Korean nation.
Japan lies under the US-led dominating system tied by Japan-US security system. It is necessary for the Japanese people to give an end to its domination and create solidarity with peace-demanding people to turn out as one in the struggle.