朝鮮の統一と自主権擁護、朝鮮半島における平和と安全保障のための 共和国政府の原則的立場と平和愛好政策について
Miyakawa Kunio., Secretary General, Gathering of People for Japan-DPRK Friendship and Solidarity in Gunma Prefecture, Japan

事務局長 宮川邦雄
金正恩委員長は、また、国防力の強化において大きな成果をたえずたくわえたと述べ、次のように続けました。 「国防科学技術の先進国だけが保有している先端兵器システムを開発するという膨大かつ複雑なこの事業は、科学技術の面で革新的な解決策を誰かの助けもなしに、われわれみずから見いだすことを前提とし、これらすべての研究課題は主体的力量すなわちわれわれの頼もしい科学者、設計者、軍需工業部門の労働者によって完璧に遂行された。」「これは偉大な勝利であり、党が構想していた計画的戦力兵器システムがわれわれの手中に一つずつおさめられるようになったことは、共和国の武力の発展とわれわれの自主権と生存権を守り保障する上で大きな出来事だ。今後アメリカが時間を延ばせば延ばすほど朝米関係の決算を躊躇すれば躊躇するほど、予測不可能に強大になる朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の威力を前に無為無策であるしかなく、ますます窮地におちいっている。」と発言しました。
金正恩委員長は、アメリカの本心をつかんだ今になってまで制裁解除などにしばられてアメリカに何らかの期待を寄せて躊躇する必要は全くなく、アメリカが対朝鮮敵視政策をあくまで追求するならば朝鮮半島の非核化は永遠にありえないということ、アメリカの対朝鮮敵視が撤回され朝鮮半島に恒久的でかつゆるぎない平和体制が構築されるまで、国家の安全のための必須的かつ先決的な戦略兵器の開発を中断することなく引き続き力強く進めるであろうことを断言しました。 そして、朝鮮人民は史上かつてない長期的な厳しい環境のもとでも自力で生き抜く方法、敵と困難に打ち勝つ方法、自分の尊厳と権利を守る方法を学んだとし、困苦欠乏に堪えて必ず自力繁栄して国の尊厳を守り、帝国主義を打ち負かすということがわれわれの強い革命的信念であると言明しました。
2012年11月24日(土)ー25日(日)に朝鮮統一支持運動第30回全国集会が当群馬県で開催されました。 2012年は金正恩委員長が共和国の最高指導者として始動されました年であり、金日成主席の生誕100周年、平壌宣言10周年の年でもありました。 この集会には共和国から記念祝賀の旗が送られ、参加者に大きな感動を与えました。
今、日本は、ポスト安倍の政権争いが続けられています。 どちらになっても自民党政権が継続されていく情勢であり、一刻も早い政権交代が望まれます。
私たちは今後、日朝友好の運動を一層強化する決意を申し上げます。 以上
On the principle and peace-loving policy of the DPRK for national reunification of Korea and safeguarding its sovereignty, ensuring peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea(WPK), started his dynamic leadership since 2012 year, as a supreme leader of the DPRK.
Under his guidance, the WPK Seventh Congress was held in Pyongyang in May, 2016, after 35 years absence.
The year of 2018 was the time when astonishing and epochal peace offensive had begun stemming from his New Year's Address, and the DPRK-China, Inter-Korean and DPRK-US Summit Talks held under the spotlight of the world.
He launched a bold offensive to build peace on the Korean Peninsula by carrying out lifetime instructions of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
The Fifth Plenary Meeting of the WPK Seventh Central Committee, which was held from December 28– 31, 2019, put forward an immortal programme for breaking through head-on the unprecedentedly severe trials, defending to the last the sovereignty and supreme interests of the country and opening the road to victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the unfurled banner of achieving prosperity by dint of self-reliance. As such, it constitutes an event noteworthy in the history of building a powerful state of independence as well as in the history of the WPK. He continued that the period of the past eight months since the Fourth Plenary Meeting witnessed an uninterrupted and highly intense struggle and courageous advance.
He continued that in order to continue to follow the victorious fighting course of advance under the unfurled banner of achieving prosperity by dint of self-reliance, they should take greater steps forward in the revolutionary advance, and the current developments and the gigantic tasks facing them demand that accurate and audacious measures be taken on the basis of a cool-headed judgement of the realities.
He said that the US has applied the most brutal and inhuman sanctions against the DPRK and posed a persistent nuclear threat to it over the past seven decades by labelling it as their enemy, part of the “axis of evil” and a “target of preemptive nuclear strike,” and that the current situation on the Korean peninsula has reached a more dangerous and serious phase owing to the US policy of hostility to the DPRK.
He resolutely declared that they need not hesitate while holding any expectation of the lift of sanctions by the US even now when they thoroughly know its real intention, that if the US persists in its policy hostile towards the DPRK, there will never be the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, and that the DPRK will steadily develop indispensable and prerequisite strategic weapons for national security until the US rolls back its hostile policy and a lasting and durable peace mechanism is in place.
Kim Jong Un said that the Korean people learned to live on their own, deal with enemies and difficulties and defend their dignity and rights in the protracted and harsh environment unprecedented in history, and clarified that it is their firm revolutionary faith that they will defend the dignity of the country and defeat imperialism by achieving prosperity by dint of self-reliance and even by tightening their belts.
We, Kunma Prefectural Assembly of Japan-Korea Friendship Solidarity, express wholehearted approval to the ideal of Chairman Kim Jong Un for peace, his revolutionary idea and leadership to staunchly defend sovereignty of the DPRK.
We, in the future, too, will further strengthen Japan-Korea Friendship movement.