世界の自主化に道を開く朝鮮革命 ー金日成、金正日、金正恩最高指導者の偉業に見るー
Hishiki Kazuyoshi, Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima Shudo University

日本・広島修道大学名誉教授 菱木一美
1. 総論
2. 金日成主席の偉業ー抗日、抗米闘争を勝ち抜き自主朝鮮の礎を築く
3. 金正日総書記の偉業ー苦難を乗り越え開いた強盛国家の道
4. 金正恩委員長の偉業と将来展望ー必勝の自力更生路線で世界の自主化へ
Korean Revolution paved the way for realizing world independence- Insight into exploits of President Kim Il Sung, General Secretary Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) celebrates the 75th anniversary of founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) on October 10, 2020. The WPK has its deep root to the“Down-with-Imperialism” founded by young President Kim Il Sung in October 17, 1926 during the anti-Japanese imperialists struggle period.
The Korean revolution has overcome a lot of hardships and trials for almost a hundred years since that day, finally turning the DPRK into an independent, self-supporting and self-defensive invincible power.
The Juche idea which forms the keynote of Korean revolution was authored by President Kim Il Sung and systematized clearly by General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
Now, the Juche idea is being embodied into the line of self-reliance linked up with creativity by Chairman Kim Jong Un. Thus, the Juche idea further increases its international role as the guideline for global independence.
2. Exploits of President Kim Il Sung – led anti-Japanese imperialists and anti-U.S. struggles to victory and laid out the basis of the independent DPR Korea
After the defeat of Japan in August 1945, President Kim Il Sung made triumphal return to Pyongyang and stood in the forefront of building an independent state in a new harsh situation of the country's division.
During the Fatherland Liberation War(June, 1950~July, 1953) which broke out due to the national division, the President decisively set back the aggression of the U.S. imperialist forces and led the post-war miraculous rehabiliation.
In spring of 1994, the President finally dragged out the U.S., a superpower hostile against the DPRK on the nuclear issue, to the negotiation table on an equal footing.
The President also devoted himself to building an independent and peaceful new world with his energetic external activities, thus accomplishing great achievements.
3. Exploits of General Secretary Kim Jong Il – Opened A Road to A Powerful Country Overcoming Difficulties
General Secretary Kim Jong Il who inherited the behests of the President Kim Il Sung led the negotiation with the Clinton administration of the U.S. (the Democratic Party) to the adoption of the“D.P.R.K.-U.S. Framework of Agreement” in October, 1994.
However the Bush administration of the U.S. which came into power in 2001, turned to the policy hostile towards the DPRK and resumed the nuclear threat, thus unilaterally abrogating the D.P.R.K.-U.S. Framework of Agreement.
Since the mid-1990s the DPRK had faced the arduous period amid the rapid change of the international situation and the following natural disasters.
Under such circumstances, the General Secretary made a firm decision to strengthen the national defense force and to invest the precious state funds to the independent development of cutting-edge science and technology for the people and the well-being of the fatherland.
His decision became the driving force to turn the DPRK into a powerful state of self reliance in the 21st century.
4. Exploits of Chairman Kim Jong Un and the future prospect – towards the global independence with the ever-victorious line of self-reliance
Chairman Kim Jong Un who inherited the behests of the General Secretary encouraged and led the Korean people energetically and decively to build a powerful state.
As a result, a creative management method of the self-supporting socialist economy was worked out in 2014 and the cutting-edge technique industry has been developed with scientification and modernization of education speeded up.
The DPRK has built up the nuclear power of the state capable of completely deterring the aggression and nuclear attack by the U.S. imperialists.
In the DPRK the Party, army and people united in a single-hearted mind under the leadership of Chairman Kim Jong Un, and new ranks for march were formed to achieve the victory of the self-reliance line.
We can look far a head of them the realization of the cause for "Peace and Prosperity On the Korean Peninsula and Independent Reunification Global denuclearization.