Workers’ Party of Korea has been Strengthened and Further Developed
Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People

Esteemed comrades and friends,
Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People (KCSWP) is pleased to extend its warmest comradely greetings to all the representative from DPRK Friendship and Solidarity Organizations and prominent figures of the world present at the International E-seminar “Korea: Ever-victorious with Independence” held on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of workers’ Party of Korea.
KCSWP also extends its highest tributes to the Organizing Committee of the International Festival in Praise of the Great Person of Mt. Paektu and the Indonesia-Korea Friendship and Cultural Exchange, which, under such a grave circumstances of persistent worldwide COVID-19 pandemic crisis, exerted great efforts to host this successful event.
In its 75-year old history, Workers’ Party of Korea has been strengthened and further developed into a mature and seasoned party which, despite of manifold hardships, leads the struggle of the Korean people to victory and into a mass political party which realized a harmonious whole with Korean people and enjoys their absolute support and trust, thus turning the DPRK to a socialist power being independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-defensive in national defense.
Availing ourselves of this opportunity, Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People (KCSWP) would like to extend its heartfelt appreciations to world progressive people who have rendered invaluable support and solidarity to Korean people in their struggle to achieve final victory in a sharp political and military showdown with imperialist and reactionary forces and to build a socialist power.
Convineed that it would serve as a significant event for word progressive people in their struggle to advance the cause of anti-imperialism and independence and as an inspiring space for sharing valuable experiences, KCSWP wishes E-seminar a great success.